Monday 28 July 2014

OZ WINTER: pink patterns

I really havent been planning my posts lately, so i usually just record whatever im wearing if i think its "blog worthy" *sarcasm intended*. 
So for some reason, i haver really been loving pink patterns. Im all about the pops of colour this winter so its kewl.. And as girly as it sounds, pink is one of my fave colours heh.

Shirt: thrifted $5
Knit jumper: ASOS $25
Trousers: thrifted
Shoes: $50.

Beanie- Target $10
Jacket- thrifted
Leggings- kmart $10
Shirt- giordano $5
Shoes-Lipstik $25
Socks- Roger David $15

This weeks post was a tad late, cause i had trouble trying to fix the layout. So here it is :)

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