Saturday 22 March 2014


 So like its been a while since I've posted. Its mostly because  haven't had time to take photos of outfits, or theres no one there to actually take one. If I can this week, I'll start recording some of my uni outfits and yeh my recent Glebe haul.

This one is a pretty random post, just a trailer to my upcoming uni assignment. I don't know why but this made me so excited because I have never edited a video before.
It was a pretty fun assignment because all I had to do was go on learning excursions and just experience random things.

So I chose to go and "experience" Glebe Markets, Drive In cinemas and the Chinese Garden at Nurragingy. (it was pretty crap, I'm thinking of going to the city one instead.) so yeh heres like a crappy preview of what I did. LOL

Glebe was heaps great. Just too bad I didn't have enough money even though everything there was already heaps cheap. But yeh I have always been a vintage lover, and so for me I went crazy. My favourite was the Miss Brown stall selling everything for $10. Miss Brown is one of Australia's top vintage brands and it was so great to see everything here for $10. Stay tuned to see what I managed to get soon :)


Love, VeraCzarina

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