Saturday 1 March 2014 workshop

It's been a while since I've posted because I haven't really had much time lately due to starting uni and also because my job has been giving me a whole lot of shifts lately. But today, I just wanted to share a few things on what I learnt at our YFC sector meeting yesterday with the girls.

Although, it wasn't my first time hearing them, it was an absolute honour to hear them again. After a year of hearing them last, I can truly say that I needed that friendly reminder to boost my confidence again.

Just a bit of background on them, the workshop aims to help young women embrace their allure (inner and outer beauty), they also assist in helping girls to take knowledge of their value and recognize their uniqueness. They focus on teaching young women to dress in a way that will radiate this allure with respect for their body, as well as fashion as a means of their self-expression. If you want to get to know them more HERE is their facebook page :)

Yesterdays session focused on three things: the philosophy of beauty, self respect and relationships. I didn't take much notes but here are some.

Philosophy of beauty:
  • beauty is universal and taste is personal.
  • three of qualities of true beauty: radiance, harmony and completeness. A person should radiate their inner beauty through the way they dress and the way they present themselves.
  • Women today tend to be seen as objects, evident through media. Instead they should be seen as subjects and a form of God's gift.
  • Self- representation: women should radiate their allure through the way they present themselves.
  • Ridicule vs respect: most women today, use their allure for gaining attention rather than self- respect. If a women learns to respect themselves, others will too.
  • Confidence vs insecurity: to make themselves feel better, women tend to judge and compare themselves with others. As a woman we should learn to care and not compare.
  • "If you are your authentic self, you have no competition."
  • create beauty with your attitude, behavior and your actions."
I encourage you to take a look at their facebook page as well as their instagram @all.u.re_workshop for some GREAT fashion inspiration and just some daily reminders.

I will be posting some fashion inspiration they have posted so stay tuned :)

Love, VeraCzarina

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